Favorite Kenyan Food:
- I like me a mutura dripping with blood and pili pili.
- Any sought of nyama choma (Kuku, mbuzi, ng'ombe, you name I love it)
- Ugali, sukuma and matumbo with a shit load of royco.
- Farmers choice streaky bacon
- KCC salted butter. I could eat this stuff alone, its so goddamn good.
Favorite Kenyan Drink:
- My late grandma's fermented porridge.
- Muratina
- Pili ice
- Safari cane and ginger ale
- Almost forgot TEA. A brotha from Limuru likes this shit, would drink a whole flask back in the day. My folks are zombies if they have none every 2 hours.
Favorite TV progi:
- OMO pick a box. (money or the box)
- I forget the name, but it was a game show on KTN, they would ask varoius general knowledge
questions and shit like that. I wonder if it still comes.
Favorite Hang Place:
- Bob's in Mombasa.
- Soho's in Westlands
- Memories in Limuru
Favorite holiday destination:
- Late grandma's place in Limuru
3 phrases I use alot:
- Sa sawa
- Mazee
- hebu I tell you
3 things abut Kenya/Kenyans that make me go hmmm...
- Rugby tournas are an excuse to get totally wasted, forget the rugby.
- we will drink virtually anything with alcohol in it (Kumi Kumi. Power etc)
- Alcohol sold in sachets (gunia as some call them)
3 questions non-Kenyans ask about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go 'hmmm'
- Do wild animals roam in you backyard?
- You guys speak english?
- Is everyone there poor?
3 things about Kenya/Kenyans which non-Kenyans ought to know
- $1 can buy you alot more in Kenya than in the states.
- We sell beer in 32 oz bottles, not 12 oz (so stop bragging about how many u can swallow)
- Kenya (and Africa in general) is way more than 1 big national park.
Complete this sentence: I am Kenyan because...
- Dude, just because I am. Just had a big discussion abotu what makes me an African, I do not
need to justify my Kenyaness. I am coz I am
3 members of the Kenyan Blog Ring you would like to see complete this quiz
- Thinker's Room
- Pressure makes Diamond
- Delusions of Grandeur