2007 Presidential Straw Poll
Inspired by the folks over at MYDD, and the pre-2007 election machination, thought I'd have some fun and develop an unscientific poll for the upcoming 2007 elections. Please rank the "candidates" with your favorite first na kadhalika. The list is may not be comprehensive and no system has been developed to put them on the list. Its only those names that are typically mentioned in the presidential stakes. Have Fun
Link to poll: http://www.demochoice.org/dcballot.php?poll=Kenya
Trying to figure out which I should use in the future. The above Demochoice or Poll host. Please let me know which works better. This may be a regular feature.
Link to poll: http://www.demochoice.org/dcballot.php?poll=Kenya
Trying to figure out which I should use in the future. The above Demochoice or Poll host. Please let me know which works better. This may be a regular feature.